Unfortunately, heavy storms can ravage homes across the United States. Mostly along the East Coast, thunderstorms and hurricane weather can devastate the strongest roofing structures.

Storm damage can be both obvious and subtle, and both types can cost you several thousands of dollars in repair costs if they are left untreated. As such, identifying signs of storm damage is paramount to protecting your home and saving money on a replacement.

With that said, here are seven signs that your roof likely has storm damage and needs to be repaired.

1. Visible Shingle Damage

Dangerous high winds can remove shingles almost instantly. Asphalt shingle roofs, which are the most popular throughout the United States, are characteristically susceptible to damage from high winds.

Missing shingles are not normal. If your roof has numerous missing shingles, it needs to be repaired to prevent water from seeping into your home, causing structural damage and mold growth.

Also, missing shingles can cause the entire roof to eventually collapse if another storm comes in the future.

2. Gutter Problems

Gutters are malleable and are not designed to withstand strong winds. Storm damage can ruin your gutters and cause them not to work properly. In this case, water can stay on your roof and cause leaks.

For this reason, repair broken gutters or replace them immediately. Check for shiny granules on your roof shingles, as well. This indicates the deterioration of your remaining shingles.

3. Scratches or Dents Around Roof Features

A simple eye test of your roof from the ground can help you identify damage of your roof’s features. Monitor the bottom edges of your chimney and the shingles near them to locate areas of damage.

Also, take a look at flashing on your roof. This seals roof joints, so any breakage can indicate a massive problem. You can also check for loose screws and nails near the flashing.

4. The Presence of Moisture in the Attic

Even if your roof looks to be in great shape, check the conditions of your attic to be certain. If there is a leak in your roof, water will naturally seep in the ceiling. This moisture can cause rapid mold growth, as mold can destroy wood over time.

You can usually always stop small and large roof leaks just by making a trip in your attic and checking the ceiling. Also, check for a damp airflow in the attic. If the attic’s air feels wet, then you have an urgent problem.

5. Warped Attic Rafters

Rafters are designed to support the weight of your roof. If a small leak allows water to creep into your attic, these rafters will become damaged from mold and dampness. Over time, they may crack from the pressure of the roof and break.

When this happens, you will face a massive structural problem. Perform routine maintenance of your attic and observe your attics. They should always be straight and show no signs of discoloration and mold.

If these signs are present, call a professional roofing company right away!

6. Ceiling and Wall Stains

A roof leak can contribute to stains and discoloration on your ceiling and walls. Essentially, water falls from these leaks and bleed through your ceilings and walls. Stains are not normal, nor should they be ignored.

Eventually, these stains will grow in size and form holes where water can flow freely to the ground. These stains are easily visible and unsightly. Repair them immediately to avoid any future issues.

Has a Recent Storm Damaged Your Roof?

If you have noticed any of these signs, then it’s safe to say that your roof has been damaged tremendously. Give us a call today at (864) 574-7638 to speak to a member of our team. You can also click here to learn more about our storm damage services.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you have any more questions about storm damage, please refer to the following frequently asked questions for additional insight. 

What does roof wind damage look like?

  • Wind damage can cause chimney issues, loose missing shingles, granule loss, indoor leaks, and damaged fascia and soffit. Unusually high winds can also throw three branches and other debris on your roof.

What is wind damage to a roof?

  • High winds can easily cause damage to your roof, even without hail and other stormy-like weather. Asphalt shingle roofs are exceptionally vulnerable during high winds, despite being able to withstand winds at 90 mph. Damage to your roof can start at around 50 mph. 

What wind speed can damage roofs?

  • Winds starting at 50 mph can damage your roof. When these winds rise to 70-90 mph, more damage can occur within hours. Winds faster than this can cause significant damage within minutes.
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